LWVAL Criminal Justice Symposium
Questions for Panelists
Submitted May 2, 2015
LWVAL Convention 2015
Hilton Garden Inn
Auburn, AL
Those attending the Alabama Criminal Justice Symposium were given the opportunity to write questions on index cards and submit these for the panelists to answer. There was insufficient time to answer those questions on the day of the symposium. The questions were sent to the panelists. As responses are received, they will be posted here.
- Since such a large prison population presents so many problems, what would you suggest as an alternative?
- I appreciate efforts in support of victims, but should victims have a more limited role in the sentencing or parole functions? Why should you have such a strong influence in those decisions?
- Do you believe the policies of the prison and justice system of Alabama honestly fulfill the intent and the will of the people of Alabama?
- Are there proposals to lower incarceration sentences for non-violent crimes?
- Where do fees go/used for that each person on parole/probation pays per visit with the office?
- Why is “good time” not considered for prisoners with sentence of 15 years of more?
- If guns are a major contributor to the incarceration rate, can there be a solution to the issue of access to guns without changing the scope of the 2nd amendment?
- (For Sogol) What procedures could reduce the harshness of our current criminal laws? How can our legislators be persuaded?
- Much of focus today to reduce overcrowding is on drug offenders. Why are we not also looking at violent offenders who may have served enough time for justice and may have the consent of the victim to be released? Many of these offenders are first time offenders and less apt to prison than many of the drug offenders.
- A friend in Huntsville said either parole or probation officers there have an average 300 active cases each. Is this the average throughout Alabama? It seems completely unworkable.
- What evidence is there to suggest that a prison sentence of any length helps to control drug addiction?
- Regarding sentencing, can we change the habitual offender act? How?
- Regarding Board of Pardons & Parole, has anyone considered the possibility of separating the two primary functions of the Board of Pardons and Parole - granting paroles and managing parole officers? As is, the board has a disincentive to grant paroles because it currently does not have enough parole officers to monitor parolees.
- How will we ever change the way we get judges? Electing judges is not a useful approach.
- How do the presumptive guidelines intersect with the mandatory sentencing guidelines?
- There are many blocks to successfully re-entering society when a prisoner is released, i.e., not being eligible for food stamps. What changes would you suggest to remove these blocks?
- Would it be wise to impose fines and public service requirements on non-violent offenders, allowing them to contribute to society instead of being a financial burden as prisoners?
- What do we do with the many that are in our prisons that have been [incarcerated for] 20+ years for sentences that do not fit the crime?
- (For Morgan) Is Thomasville residential facility still able to operate? Or has it been forced to close? How does the Thomasville facility work?